Bio-Fertilizer for Preventing Soil Erosion enhances the potash uptake in plants leading to higher productivity. T.Stanes & Company Limited manufactures Bio-Fertilizer for Preventing Soil Erosion. T.Stanes & Company Limited also manufactures Organic Fertilizer, Micronutrients, Botanical Pesticides, Microbial insecticides, Microbial fungicides, Microbial nematicides Antitranspirants, and immunomodulators. Bio-Fertilizer for Preventing Soil Erosion is based on a selective strain of potash solubilizing, bacteria Frateuria aurantia. It is available in liquid [1X109 bacterial cells/ml] formulation. It solubilizes the potash locked up in the soil into a simpler form and makes it available directly to the plants. The fertilizer does not disturb the ecological balance. It enriches soil micro-flora. It improves the plant immune system. It is available under the brand name of Symbion-K.