T.Stanes & Company Limited manufactures Bio-Fertilizer for Improving Plant Immune System. T.Stanes & Company Limited also manufactures Organic Fertilizer, Micronutrients, Botanical Pesticides, Microbial insecticides, Microbial fungicides, Microbial nematicides Antitranspirants, and immunomodulators. Bio-Fertilizer for Improving Plant Immune System is based on selective strain of sulphur solubilizing bacteria, Thiobacillus Thiooxidans. The fertilizer contains acidophilic Thiobacillus thiooxidans and it is capable of oxidising elemental sulphur, which results in the production of water-soluble sulfate salts that facilitates reduction of soil pH also. It converts non-available sulphur and sulphur related compounds in to an easily available simpler fertilizer form to the plants. It is environment friendly and self perpetuating, which facilitates proliferation of soil micro-flora. The fertilizer comes under the brand name of Symbion-S.