Product Profile of Tungsten Inert Gas Welding Plants
Sparkline Welders offers Tungsten Inert Gas Welding Plants. Sparkline Welders is an ISO 9001:2000 company. Tungsten Inert Gas Welding Plants is available with DC welding Rectifier sets which are ideal for use on all weldable metals. Stainless Steel [S.S.] Rectifiers are saturable reactor core / Thyristor Controlled type Supply 3 Phase, 440 AC, 50 Hz, full wave, Silicon rectifier bridged, Open Circuit Voltage [OCV] 80 Volts, step less current control, Forced air cooled, Class `F` Insulation. Tungsten Inert Gas Welding Plants is available in five models.
Tungsten Inert Gas Welding Plants consists of:
- High Frequency Unit: It consists of Solenoid valve for starting Argon Gas supply. Pre and Post flow timer for cooling of Tungsten electrode after welding. Unit is remotely controllable from foot paddle switch. It consists of well balanced LRC circuit, spark gap unit & an air core transformer to prevent mains frequency from entering into the oscillating circuit.
- TIG welding Torch: Water & Gas cooled Torches from 200 Amps to 600 Amps capacity is supplied TM with study brass structure with Water / Gas cooled welding cable. It is equipped with its accessories such as Tungsten electrode, ceramic nozzle, long cap, short cap etc.
- Flow meter with Regulator: Argon gas is precisely calibrated to discharge gas.
- Water circulating unit: Provided to cool TIG Torch.