MTP Controls offers Argon Arc Welding Machine with Welding Current 70-600 A. MTP Controls also manufactures various types of welding machines. The Argon Arc Welding Machine with Welding Current 70-600 A, Model MSR 60, is ideal for use on all weldable metals and Stainless Steel. The Argon Arc Welding Machine with Welding Current 70-600 A has solenoid valve for starting Argon Gas supply. The Argon Arc Welding Machine with Welding Current 70-600 A has pre and post flow timer for cooling of Tungsten electrode after welding. The Argon Arc Welding Machine with Welding Current 70-600 A is remotely controllable from foot paddle switch. This Machine has LRC circuit, spark gap unit and an air core transformer to prevent mains frequency from entering into the oscillating circuit.