A.M.Industries is a dealer of thermal insulation materials and also manufactures hotdip g.I. Wire and hexagonal wirenetting. The company provides the thermocole/eps products in satin finish, snow white and clear construction. The other products provided by the company include wirenetting, building slabs kbs, rockwool mattress, rockwool slabs, rockwool pipe sections, puf insulation, rigid pipe section k 450, rigid pipe section k850, sollar shield, thermoforst premium eps insulation, ductliner kdl, laprock wired mats, laprock bonded slabs, laprock pipe sections and gujwool for all purpose insulation. All these products are available in standard sizes and in sizes as per customer specifications. These thermocole/eps are available with salient features like low thermal conductivity and moisture absorbing properties offering protection against temperature variation and humidity; fungus resistant contain acoustic properties; lightweight; shock proof; non-toxic; leak proof; provides cushioning against breakage; withstand extraordinary stress and vibration; versatile operation; and easy moulding in any sizes, shapes and thicknesses. These thermocole/eps is suitable for applications like fragile articles packing like electronics and electrical goods, glassware, precision and lab instruments, etc.; useful as container for medicines and important drugs; useful for perishable goods like fruits, vegetables, fish, etc.; effective and efficient insulation for low temperature appliances like cold storage, industrial refrigeration, refrigerated vans, sound insulation, commercial and household air conditioning; and usage as multiple layer stages and broken joint arrangements in pipeline insulation carrying chilled brine or water, air conditioning ducts, etc.