Gm engineers manufactures packaged up-flow softeners incorporating proven technique of counter flow regeneration. These softeners produce treated water with low residual hardness through out the cycle. These up-flow softeners are suitable for applications in small and medium industries. The packaged up-flow water softeners are available with construction of strong acidic action resin in sodium form to exchange sodium ions for hardness forming calcium and magnesium, and produce soft water; teflon resin regenerated with sodium chloride solutions and the unit is ready for next service cycle; and units packed and supplied with ready installation conditions and it does not require any foundation. The company suggests in the installation of pre-filter ["y" stainer] to the softener if the feed water contains suspended solids. The company supplies these packaged up-flow water softeners in different sizes as per the given data by the customer. The salient features of these packaged up-flow water softeners are consistent treated water quality; lower regeneration costs; simple installations and operations; use high capacity bead type ion exchanger; and incomparable for stability and long life. The company supplies these water softeners with equipments such as one mild-steel pressure vessel, with protective paint coal and internal distribution and collecting system, painted externally with protective coal of paint and internally bituminous; one set of frontal pipe work; complete with diaphragm valves and one hydraulic ejector; one plastic salt-saturation tank; one charge of ion exchanger; one hardness tests-kit.