Presto Stantest Private Limited manufactures Oscillating Disc Rheometer with Multiple Control Gates. Presto Stantest Private Limited is an ISO 9001: 2000 certified company. The Oscillating Disc Rheometer with Multiple control gates is designed and manufactured in accordance with ASTM D2048 & ISO 6502 standards. The graphics include elastic torque, cure rate and upper or lower dies temperatures.
Data, such as ML, MH, TS, TC, CRI, etc can be taken from each test. Cure curve provides the processing, vulcanizing, and vulcanized physical properties of rubber cross-linking reaction. Multiple control gates are available for controlling the specified data such as ML, MH, TS, and TC. SPC [Statistical Process Control] software is used to analyze and draw the statistical control charts including X-RM, -R, histogram, and normal distribution for some specified data.