Presto Stantest Private Limited offers Hand Operated Wrap Reel with automatic electromagnetic braking system. Presto Stantest Private Limited is an ISO 9001: 2000 certified company. The Hand Operated Wrap Reel with automatic electromagnetic braking system is suitable for making accurate lengths of yarn, in hank form, for subsequent weighing and determination of count and strength. A digital preset counter is provided in the unit to set the desired number of meters or yards. The unit can be supplied with one meter or 54 inches collapsible swift to assist operator for removal of reeled hanks. The automatic electromagnetic braking system of the machine arrests the swift in the correct position, when the desired length of the yarn has been reeled. This machine can make five leas at a time and the spread of each lea is 20 mm. Hand Operated Wrap Reel has Three Digits Digital Automatic Counter with Sensor. The Swift Perimeter measures 1 ½ yards and one Meter, while the standard packed weight of the cone is 30 kg. Hand Operated Wrap Reel with automatic electromagnetic braking system complies with ISO 2060, BS 2010, ASTM D 1907, DIN 53830 and IS-1671 standard.