Dalal engineering offers a rotary vacuum dryer for application in pharmaceuticals, fine chemicals, pesticides, dyestuff, metal powders, solvent recovery, slow drying chemicals, etc. Drying costs account for a large portion of the processing costs associated with the manufacture of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, dyestuffs and other products. A filter press or a centrifuge is often used to remove as much water or solvent as possible, thereby reducing the heat load in the drying operations.Unfortunately, the resulting cake is normally dried in a tray dryer, where the energy consumption is excessively high. The rotary vacuum dryer offers a clean, simple and effective method of drying wet cake, powder and even slurry. The operation is under vacuum and hence it impossible to dry heat sensitive materials at temperatures well below 100°c without suffering the problems associated with very long drying periods. Valuable organic solvents can be conveniently condensed and recovered. Labour requirement is minimal and product losses during handling are negligible. Available in sizes ranging from 100 ltr to 20,000 ltr gross volume.