Microedge electronics offers electronic crane weighing system with highly reliable load cells and digital electronics for heavy duty, high temperature applications such as foundries, etc. Modern foundries, rolling mills and other process industries must produce material of a high standard and even quality-keeping pace with the increasing demands is the growing need to measure weight accurately. Electronic weighing systems with highly reliable load cells and digital electronics offer many practical benefits like speed, accuracy, long-term durability, continuous duty in adverse environments and adaptability to automation. For heavy duty, high temperature applications such as foundries, etc. Microedge has perfected the ideal electronic crane weigher. It this electronic crane weighing system is availablecomes in capacities of 2t and above. The load cell of the e weighing system is mounted positioned under the equalising unit. It the microedge electronic crane weighing system has includes full digital calibration with accuracy better than 0.5% fsd. A four-inch high external display is provided with the microedge electronic crane weighing system for long distance visibility. A speciallyspecifically designed smps-based battery backed power supply with protections against supply variations and surges, is employedused for reliable operation even in adverseunfavorable power conditions. An optionaloptionally a pendant display can also be provided with the electronic crane weighing system for operator convenience. Rope, weight compensation is also available as an option. Microedge electronics also offers suspension suspension type crane weighers with integral display electronics ideal suitable for light duty, medium temperature applications. Are also available.