Product Profile of 12 Channel Ecg Monitor And Recorder
Pulsatom Health Care Pvt. Ltd offers 12 Channel ECG Monitor and Recorder. Pulsatom Health Care Pvt. Ltd supplies health care products like heart rate monitor, diabetes monitor, glucose strips etc. The 12 Channel ECG Monitor and Recorder is available with optional computer interface and suitable for ECG examination in clinic and hospitals.
Key Features of 12 Channel Ecg Monitor And Recorder
- Simultaneously 12 lead signal acquisitions
- Designed with a high-resolution thermal printer featuring 8dot/mm vertical resolution and 40dot/mm horizontal resolution[at 25mm/s] speed and filter as well as related marks.
- Digital filter to prevent baseline drift and automatic positioning of the baseline provides accurate ECG trace
- Detects electrode disconnection and gives an alarm
- LED indicator and LCD display show operation status of the unit.
- Isolated input circuit guarantees safety standard in compliance to Class I type CF.
- Equipped with a built-in battery charger and system for battery capacity management and protection for in-built battery operations.
- Battery supports continuous operation when AC power supply is not available.
- Measurement of ECG parameters without the randomness, variant and irregularity seen in single lead acquisition.
- Standard measurements of ECG parameters include P wave duration, QRS duration and T wave duration, P-R interval and Q-T interval.
- Simultaneous display of ECG trace of the same heart beat cycle