Dual SIM Mobile Phone has a quad-core snapdragon processor and it comes with Microsoft services like skype, one drive, and office. The Phone has internet and FM radio. The Phone has general security features such as device lock, pin code, device lock pass code, regular signed firmware updates, track and protect via internet, application certification, application sandboxing, backup and restore via internet, browser integrated anti-phishing, remote device lock via internet, remote device wipe via internet, secure boot, consumer VPN. The Phone has the feature of automatic screen brightness adjustment and battery saver feature. The Phone has front camera of VGA 0.3 mp and processor type of quad core 1.2 GHz. The Phone has maximum standby time with dual SIM is of 22 days. The Dual SIM Mobile Phone has audio playback features such as album graphics display in music player, audio streaming, cloud music offline playback, cloud music playback, media player, and music player.