Microcontroller Based Two Set Point Temperature & RH Controller is manufactured by Masuba Instruments Pvt. Ltd. The Microcontroller Based Two Set Point Temperature & RH Controller is used to monitor and control Relative Humidity [RH] and temperature of any system. The four digits seven segment ½” red LED displays the temperature and RH Parameters at fixed time interval of three seconds. A hold facility is provided which will continuously display the held parameter. The set points are programmable throughout the ranges.
Masuba Instruments Pvt. Ltd. Offers digital industrial grade process control instruments for power, process and other industrial applications. In Microcontroller Based Two Set Point Temperature & RH Controller, single LED provided will display the Relay status of each. Rel-1 is meant for RH Control and Rel-2 is for Temperature while toggling the single LEDs on left side will indicate the value of related parameter.