Ceiling Fan with Less Energy Consumption is manufactured by Shree Parasnath Electrical [India]. This Ceiling Fan is available under the model name Versa. The Ceiling Fan with Less Energy Consumption is made by best quality metals which are then provided a superfine coating in order to retain their shine. This coating also works as a barrier against any abrasion or corrosion.
Shree Parasnath Electrical [India], an ISO 9001:2000 registered organization offers a range of Heat Convector, Ceiling Fan, Cooler Submersible Pumps, Air Cooler, Juicer-Mixer Grinder, Air Washers, Quartz Heater, Steam Iron, Fan Heater, Iron, Mixer Grinder and Wall Mounting Heater. The Ceiling Fan with Less Energy Consumption is sturdy in structure and elegant in design. These Ceiling Fans are available in white and brown colours. The fans operate at a speed of 360 RPM, with the blades size ranging from 600 to 1200 mm.