Marks pryor marking technology offers `nd: yag` laser marking systems utilizing the latest developments in diode- pumped laser technology. This laser marking system enables a flexible approach to laser identification on an extensive range of materials and in a variety of industrial environments. In addition, patented innovation provides the laser with tangible benefits over previously available technology. Benefits of this laser-marking machine are permanent indentation marking of parts, mark up to a hardness of 60 rockwell c, mark intricate logos, and user-friendly software. Low, medium and high power units allow the widest range of materials to be marked including plastcs, ceramics and metals. It is available as a stand-alone unit or integrated into your production system. Flexible software includes support for data matrix and other codes. Laboratory test performed on sample material are used to select the most appropriate laser for your specific application. Diode pumped technology results in an extremely small footprint ideal for production line integration. Convection cooling eliminates the capital, running and maintenance costs of external chiller requirements. Optical excitation efficiency is in the range of 30-50 per cent compared to less than two per cent for conventional systems, resulting in extremely low power consumption.