Shivang furnaces and ovens offers a wide range of industrial furnaces. The plant and its components are designed to operate on 415 volts, 3 phase and neutral power supply and with ambient temperature between 200 c and 450 c. The innermost layer of the chamber is lined with specially designed bricks, and spirally wound, helical shaped, heating elements on the sides. The top of the chamber is lined with arched shaped, side tapered bricks, with grooves suitable to receive heating elements. The chamber wall is backed up by ceramic fibreboard followed by various layers of insulating bricks and backed up by 6mm thick asbestos millboard on all sides, back and at the top. The bottom of the chamber is insulated with insulating bricks. Spirally wound, helical shaped heating elements are made of suitably thick gauge fe.Cr.Al heating element alloy wire. The element is designed to operate on a safe low surface loading to ensure longer life.