In-Plant Thin Film Holiday Detector is a highly sensitive electrical instrument that applies 67.5 volts DC to the coated surface to perform efficiently. The Detector is specially designed to locate holidays in thin film coatings of relatively high electrical resistance when such films are brushed or sprayed to the surface of material of low electrical resistance. The Holiday Detector is designed to inspect thin film coatings from 1 to 10 mil using ordinary tap water. In-Plant Thin Film Holiday Detector that comes under M/1- Tinker and Rasor model ensures regulated inspection voltage and instant calibration verification.
Caltech Engineering Services manufactures In-Plant Thin Film Holiday Detector. Caltech Engineering Services offers wide range of coating thickness gauges, holiday detectors, pinhole detectors, jeep meter, surface profile gauges, wet film thickness gages, pit gauge, Cathodic disbonding tester, bridge-cam-gauge, fillet weld gage, chloride test kit, infrared thermometers and RH/dew point meter.