Rajdeep automation offers magnetic linear measuring systems manufactured by siko gmbh, germany. These linear measuring systems are compact, reliable, easy-to-install and unaffected by dust and humidity. With these systems, traversing movements are sensed by a magnetic rule. This takes the form of a basic structure, wither a steel band or a metal ring, with a magnetic layer that is magnetized at equal intervals with north and south poles. A sensor travels along the rule in order to measure and determine position, and reads the positional data. Special conversion processed determine from this the displacement and angle information, as well as the direction of travel. The systems are totally immune to contamination, such as dust or liquids. The application decides what and where is to be measured. Simple-to-operate and practical to assemble, the systems also allow for retrofitting existing installations, where the measured values can be shown directly on a display or transmitted on as an input signal to a machine controller. Measuring lengths over 90 m can be achieved. The tolerance of up to 2 mm for the distance between magnetic band and sensor head is an important highlight which does simplify the use of the system and reduces the installation costs of the systems.