New the ethercat single turn and multi-turn encoders encoders in the sturdyrobust sendix design now complementgo together with the versatilemultipurpose sendix absolute family from kübler. Is thus responding to the increasing importance of the new field bus generation with ethernet technology. The popularity of ethercat is based on its universal application possibilities in the field of industry and building automation. By using ethercat the user can profit in various areas. An continuousincessant signal down to the field level, real-time capability as well as many additionalsupplementary benefitsadvantages of the ethercat, such as distributed clock for real-time position detectionrecognition and hot connect, lead in many applications to significantconsiderable cost advantageseffectiveness, while at the same time offering providing improvedsuperior productivity. Sendix ether cat singleturn and multiturn encoders encoders enable ensure up-to-the-minuteup to date field bus performance in the application and work on the can over on ethercat [coe] principle. On top of thisbesides, the encoders devices offer incorporate numerousseveral special functions such as temperature monitoring, recording the operating time as well as storing customer data in plain text, for example concerning the installation location. A further advantageother advantages of the ethercat encoders is includes the fast data availabilityaccessibility with reduced loading on the bus and controller as well asand the transmission of speed/velocity, acceleration or leaving of a working area - here the user himself decides which information is available in real-time [pdo mapping in the memory]. With the help of the bus all all parameters cam be programmed via the bus, ensuring to ensure fast error-free start. The resolution for the the singleturn encoderdevices has the resolution is of 16 bit with a total resolution of 28 bit, and for multiturn encodersdevices the resolution is up to 12 bit. The bus cover comes equippedis furnished with 3 x m12 connectors for fast, straightforwardsimple, error-free connection. Due to the safety-lock bearing construction, sendix ethercat singleturn and multiturn encoders encoders afford provide the highestmaximum safety,. Thanks to the safety-lock bearing construction.