Shilpa enterprises provides glue-type rectangular bellows with limit extension belts. These giant bellows are used to cover guideways of machines, like waldrich coburg grinder, dransfield roll grinder, planomiller, sumitomo grinder and other huge machines. The bellows are made in single and double layered material with central coupling frames for stiffening. Besides rollers or ball bearings, limit extension belts with tension springs are provided to ensure frictionless and uniform travel of all the segments of the bellow. In addition bellows are made in small and medium sizes normally required for general machines, like hmt make sfw grinder, gvs-30 grinder, tos surface grinder, also all types of deckel milling machines and other spms, bellows are also designed and manufactured depending on the speed of the machines, type of mounting, type of machining, type of coolant used, etc.