The armor weldblock units are offered by rockwell automation india . These wldblocks are distributed i / o blocks that combine i / o circuits, a power supply and network adapters into a single sealed ip69k housing. Following are some of the technical features of this armor weldblock which include: is light weight and space saving; digital i / o block is ideally suited for on - machine mounting and designed to withstand the demanding operating environment of typical welding applications. The armor weldblock provides industrially hardened blocks of 24v dc digital i / o that can be mounted directly on equipment near sensors or actuators. Placing i / o directly on the machine reduces wiring, streamlines troubleshooting with highly visible leds and the need for an expensive cabinet or junction box is also eliminated. The sealed ip69k metal housing of nickel - plated cast aluminium resists the effects of weld slag and magnetic fields created by high currents at weld points found in close proximity to the weld head.