Jyoti Electronics manufactures Radio Frequency Identification Systems. Jyoti Electronics manufactures RF/Microwave design software and hardware, Circuit Simulation Tools, System simulation tools, EM Simulation tools, Antenna design Tools etc, Hi-frequency Hardware, Cable and Cable Assembly and test and measurement Instrument. The Radio Frequency Identification Systems are widely used nowadays and allow advanced solutions for a variety of applications in the area of authentication, ticketing, access control, supply management, parking, payment, vending, etc. The imported 2D-DXF CAD model was converted to a 3-D structure in CST MWS by extruding the metal profile to create a thickness of 35 microns and adding a substrate thickness of 1.6mm as shown in Figure 1 [right]. The desired output quantity for this loop antenna was the complex input impedance for the coil without any other circuit elements, such as a tuning capacitance to adjust the resonance. The inductance of the antenna is defined by its coil- geometry; the capacitance is determined by the dielectric properties of the substrate FR4.