Symtronics supplies 961 universal appliance tester. This appliance tester is a fully automatic, microprocessor-based testing system for various industrial and domestic appliances and machines including refrigerators, airconditioners, motors, pumps, washing machines, irons, engines and compressors. The system finds its applications in line-testing on mass production lines as well as small-scale individual testing setups. The 961 uat provides some technical features which include: all the safety tests and run [performance] tests like current, voltage and wattage prescribed in the relevant indian standards [is] or iec or iso 9000 requirements in a programmed fashion. Safety tests include high-potential [break-down], insulation resistance [meggar] and earth-leakage tests;test programme is software-driven, making it unnecessary to connect and disconnect and appliance under test to different test instruments, thus saving valuable production time;accuracy class 0.5 is applicable to the testing;system is modular and expandable to include appliance-specific testing also; centronics parallel port gives standard test print-outs on a dot-matrix printer for record, test certificate generation and stqc dataan rs232/485 serial interface enables the system to be connected to a pc to handle more complex testing and quality control applications. Software for computer-based testing is available, for graphic screen presentations and menu-driven test sequences. Turnkey projects are also handled by the company for quality control automation in appliance industry.