Shepherd transformers manufactures and offers automatic power factor improvement capacitor [apfc] panels that are custom designed as per the need of customer, location, loading pattern etc. Using very sophisticated microprocessor based digital relays, which senses the actual power factor {pfi at any point of time and compares it with the required pf, the apfc panels automatically switch on/off the capacitors. Relays capable of sensing and providing alarm signals for dangerous level of harmonics, resonance, temperature and capacitance drop can also be provided. Depending on the load condition, to get optimum power factor efficiency, the required capacitors are switched on. The standard range is 2.5, 5, 10, 15 and 25 kv ar, thereafter capacitors are banked together as per site loading condition. The capacitors usually preferred are highly reputed makes for l t applications and are manufactured using paper and polypropylene as dielectric; these capacitors are usually impregnated with oil. The apfc panels are well designed and also having manual function optionally. Indications for alert-on for system failures like fuses blown, banks out of service, contactors welded or open; alarms for over current, over voltage, over temperature and also regular compensation indicator, low voltage release, low signal release, can also be incorporated as per actual requirements.