Product Profile of Boiling/ Condensing High Performance Tube
Triton Consulting India offers Boiling/ Condensing High Performance Tube. Triton Consulting India supplies various types of telecommunication, electronics, automobile, energy products of Furukawa Electric. Boiling/ Condensing High Performance Tube is applicable for air conditioning and freezing equipment, binary system, etc. Boiling/ Condensing High Performance Tube is able to making heat exchangers compact and lightweight.
Key Features of Boiling/ Condensing High Performance Tube
- High heat transfer performance: In comparison with the conventional EVER FIN L with 26 fins for general use, the performance of EVER FIN has drastically improved; 2-10 times in terms of outside heat transfer coefficient and 1.3-3 times in overall heat transfer coefficient.
- Excellent boiling heat transfer performance: EVER FIN provides excellent heat transfer performance at small temperature differences, so that it is best suited for energy saving equipment.
- Making heat exchangers compact and lightweight: Due to its superior heat transfer performance compared to low-fin tubes, EVER FIN can reduce the heat transfer area needed for heat exchange, thus making heat exchangers compact and lightweight.
- Wide range of tube geometry: Tube`s both ends and the land portion on its middle may optionally be left un-finned, making it possible to fix the tube onto tube plates in the same way as for smooth tubes.