Telecare is an electronic device which produces producing high frequency ultrasonic sound waves between 20 and 25 khz. Following are some of the technical features which are provided by this telecare:this sound is inaudible to human ears but intolerable and damaging to the nervous systems of pests, causing them fear, discomfort and anxiety by creating a hostile environment. This pest operates it works on 230 v ac and consumes low power.This pest it is also available in a dc operated model that works on car battery for outside use. This pest findsits applications in it can be used to repelling birds and animals by sonic sound. Its multipurpose heavy duty model available in two types are intended for applying use in industrial premises to repel birds. Telecare also finds its applications incan be used to repelling rats, lizards, bats, insects, spiders, cockroaches, fleas, mosquitoes and other flying insects.