Online UPS with Double Conversion On-line Topology has wide input voltage range and high input power factor. This Online UPS has cold start function and emergency power off. Online UPS with Double Conversion On-line Topology is manufactured by Xsis Power Systems Pvt Ltd which is ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 accredited.
Xsis Power Systems Pvt Ltd also manufactures various types of power conditioning equipment’s like offline UPS [500 VA to 1 KVA], servo controlled stabilizers [1 KVA to 150 KVA], isolation transformers, constant voltage transformers, line conditioners etc. The Online UPS with Double Conversion On-line Topology, of H Series,has SNMP compatibility and dual input power for hot standby redundancy.
The Technical Specifications of Online UPS with Double Conversion On-line Topology are as follows: