Bradma, ISO 9001-2000 certified company is the producer of Pneumatic Coder with fast drying wet inks, CodaMark. The product Pneumatic Coder with fast drying wet inks is a multi-purpose price and code printer. The product Pneumatic Coder with fast drying wet inks can efficiently print expiry dates, prices and codes onto foils, lids, cartons, bottles, using fast drying wet inks. The product Pneumatic Coder with fast drying wet inks are efficient printing of sell by dates,price and codes onto:Plastic tubs, foil lids, cartons, form flow pack, glass bottles, metal cans. The salient features of the Pneumatic Coder with fast drying wet inks:
Technical Specifications:
Power Sources [Notes] 220/240V +/- 10%, 50 Hz
Power Consumption [Notes] Stand By: 28W Operating: 50W
Weight 20