Falcon Electro-Tek Pvt Ltd manufactures Microprocessor Trainer with 8085 CPU. Falcon Electro-Tek Pvt Ltd is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company. The Company also manufactures wide range of technical training and testing products in the field of electronics and telecommunications, optics and photonics.
The Microprocessor Trainer with 8085 CPU, Model MP-85, can be operated from on board jet pad. This Trainer has keypad and serial monitor program which supports the entry of user programs, editing and relocation, debug facilities like breakpoints and single-stepping, direct port input/output and full speed execution of user programs. This Trainer has user friendly windows and DOS driver software for uploading / downloading to or from host computer. This Trainer has on-board programmable interrupt controller 8259A and 32Kbytes of CMOS static RAM with optional battery backup. This Trainer has multi - processor system designed by supporting the HOLDĀ and HLDA signals. This Trainer has STD bus compatible signals available on the ribbon cable connector.
This Trainer demonstrates basic theorems, two port network parameters, different AC bridges and filters.