Advanced Microcontroller Trainer with 8088 CPU has key matrix and 16 X 16 LED dot-matrix circuit. This Trainer has serial communication using MAX-232 driver. Advanced Microcontroller Trainer with 8088 CPU is manufactured by Falcon Electro-Tek Pvt Ltd which is ISO 9001:2008 accredited.
Falcon Electro-Tek Pvt Ltd also manufactures wide range of technical training and testing products in the field of electronics and telecommunications, optics and photonics. The Advanced Microcontroller Trainer with 8088 CPU, Model AMP-88, has stepper motor interface and loudspeaker. This Trainer has 128 X 64 LCD display and relay circuit. This Trainer has LED indications, temperature sensor and pressure sensor. The software tools of this Trainer include debugging software, assembler and C compiler.