Wet Mixture Sigma Type is specially engineered for mixing and kneading wet and highly viscous products. This machine finds extensive use in various industries like adhesives, chemical, confectionary etc. Wet Mixture Sigma Type is manufactured by Zoy Impex.
Zoy Impex manufactures Material Handling Products, Wire Drawing Machinery, Welding Electrodes Plant, Construction Machinery and other associated accessories. In Wet Mixture Sigma Type, the roller moves in clockwise direction provided in body, to provide a homogenous flux, can be titled in circular manner, mixed & sieved powdered/ chemical, and mixed in wet mixer with liquid blender to form flux for slug briquette. Due to its developed designed fabrication, a high quality of flux is obtained. This flux is transferred to slug press for making cake. Wet Mixer can not be stored under at morphemic condition for more then few hour.
Technical Specifications of Wet Mixture Sigma Type are: