D-Link India Limited offers Chassis including backplane, cooling fan and Eight Network Module slots. D-Link India Limited is an ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:1996 certified company. A part of D-Link`s Multi-Service Access Router series, this Chassis including backplane, cooling fan and Eight Network Module has a modular design maintainability and manageability to give users an extensible networking solution in terms of density, performance and usability. These routers offer a complete range of connection types, from ISDN to Sync/Async serial dial-up/leased lines, channelized E1/E3, copper Ethernet etc. Cost-effective upgrades are possible by replacing the modules without changing the router. These types of Chassis routers are used for remote connection to branch office. There are eight open slots for installing network modules. It is a 4.5 U standard chassis. Chassis including backplane, cooling fan and Eight Network Module slots features one console port and one auxiliary port.