Bihar Communications Pvt Ltd provides World Time Clocks in six digit format. Bihar Communications Pvt Ltd is engaged in Development and Manufacturing of Microprocessor / Microcontroller based Standard Time maintenance and display Clocks and allied products. This World Time Clocks incorporate one Master Clock showing IST [Indian Standard Time] in six digits HH:MM:SS format and up to 8 Slave Clocks to display zonal time in 4 digit format HH:MM or six digit format HH:MM:SS. The users programmable, World Time Clocks have bright RED, GREEN, BLUE or AMBER LED`s in 7-segment display mode.
The World Time Clocks are supplied pre-configured for easy installation and require only mechanical fixing and connection with 230V-50Hz mains supply using cable provided. Battery back up with auto charging and changeover provided for smooth functioning for years without any interruption.