Heat-conducting and electrically insulating silicone rubber punched parts or sheets are provided by agate & agate. These silicone rubbers are applicable foreffective electrical insulation of power semiconductor devices from the heat-sink surface; silicone rubber sheet is also a good conductor of heat and this sheet allows steady heat dissipation from the power semiconductor to the heat-sink body. Following are some of the technical features of this silicone rubber which include: being rubber, it conforms to the heat-sink and power semiconductor surfaces in contact and does not allow any air-gaps between the two surfaces, thereby providing perfect medium for heat conduction; electrical insulation property combined with heat dissipation characteristic makes it an ideal replacement for available conventional mica and heat-sink compound combination; fire retardant silicone rubber demonstrates a stable electrical and thermal performance over a wide temperature range of 600c to 1800c. Some technical specifications include:is available in 0.3 mm thickness and can withstand voltage up to 4 kv; coefficient of thermal conduction is 3 x 10-3 cal/cm see 0c; is available in punched parts in to220, to3p, to3 shapes and in a roll form with 1 ft fixed width. Extruded tubes in various diameters are also available in this material.