Safeline moulded case circuit breakers are suited for modern low voltage power distribution network. The mccb design is based on considerations with respect to the functionality, the simplicity of operation and long period of service [without any maintenance]. These mccbs fully conform to national and international standards. Construction: the mccbs have casing and cover moulded out of self-extinguishing insulated high strength, heat resistant thermosetting material [preventing the spread of fire]. The contact mechanism comprises of fixed and moving contacts that are made of sintered silver alloy which make the contact system very reliable, weld free and long life. The rapid quenching of the arc is achieved by highly effective arc quenching device comprising of arc chute having grid plates mounted in parallel between the vulcanized fibre arc supports. Maintenance free, current limiting design with low let-through energy that limits the system stresses. Tripping system: a bimetallic strip, which operates on the heating effect, provides the overload protection. The deflection of the bimetal activates the tripping mechanism. The short circuit protection is provided by a magnetic circuit, which comprises of a fixed core. The short circuit release operates on the electromagnetic effect of the current. Tripping mechanism comprises of bimetal for overload protection and a fixed core for short circuit protection. Application: protection of outgoing feeder circuit of distribution boards, suitable for use during power factor correction, protection of dg set by timely isolation, welding circuits can be protected in terms of overloads and short circuits. Accessories: the mccbs can in addition be equipped with auxiliary contacts, shunt trip and under voltage release.