Product Profile of Cursor Readout Oscilloscope
Cursor readout oscilloscope, os-504rd is manufactured by microtek instruments. The product is designed with a frequency range of 40mhz with functions of hold-off, delayed sweep function, sweep magnification, signal delay and cursor measurement. The product is 6 inch large size, high luminance crt with internal graticule, 8 x 10 div wide dynamic range even at high frequencies of -3db. Character and cursors display are available on crt. The salient features of the cursor readout oscilloscope:
- High precision measurement of *v, *t, and 1/*t with cursors
- Flat frequency response up to half of -3db frequency
- Fast rise time with low overshoot
- Signal delay with delay line useful for observation of signal leading edge
- Maximum sweep rate of 20ns/div. [os-906rd : 10ns/div]
- Variable scale illumination
- X-y phase difference measurement up to 50khz
- Tv sync. Separation and hold-off circuit useful for video signal observation
- Selection of character and cursors on/off with one touch push buttons.