Microtex instruments is the producer of 4 channel oscilloscopes, ox 7104c [color]. The control of the product includes 33 direct control keys, windows-like menus, touch screen. Exceptionally easy to read and colour screen. In addition to its advanced triggering functions [pulse width, count, delay, tv], this oscilloscope has "math" functions that can be used to define, for each trace, a mathematical function and a vertical scale with the definition of the true physical unit. The multichannel trms digital multimeter - 8,000 points, 50khz measures amplitudes, resistances, continuity, capacitances, frequencies, and temperatures and performs tests on components. The patented probix plug-and-play system of accessories ensures rapid setting up of the instrument, with no risk of error. The coefficients, scales, and units of the sensors, and the configurations of the channels, are managed automatically; the probes and adapters are recognized as soon as they are connected. In addition to that the ethernet interface and built-in web server make it possible to take control of the instrument remotely, and to transfer curves and screen shots, without additional software. The salient features of the 4 channel oscilloscopes: