Freeze tech manufactures panel coolers. Electronic control systems installed in cnc machines and other special purpose machines generate heat during operation as well as moisture-laden air and dust which adversely affect electronic controls. These panel coolers are available with a closed loop design which helps to maintain a clean environment required in electronic control panel cabinets. This instrument ensure locking out of excessive heat caused by high ambient temperatures, moisture and dust. The clean air in control panel cabinet is continuously cooled and re-circulated by refrigeration system and the operating temperature maintained within the cabinet thus preserving a cool, clean, moisture free, environment at all times. These panel coolers can operate at 27± 2ºc temperature within the cabinet and are available in 500 w to 2700 w capacities with side-mounting and top-mounting option models. These panel coolers are available with salient features such as sleek modular design compatible to any control panel, imported [german] make backward curve blowers, easy too install and maintain, simple operating controls, powder coated cabinet, proven components and a wide range of models. The panel coolers are applicable in cnc machines, instrumentation panels, mainframe computers, electronic cabinets, automation systems, automated process industries.