Product Profile of Laser Coders With Touch Screen
Domino Printech India Private Ltd. Offers the Laser Coders with Touch screen. The Laser Coders with Touch screen fall in the category of D-Series plus. The Laser Coders with Touch screen is ideal for coding on a wide variety of materials at low to high line speeds.
Key Features of Laser Coders With Touch Screen
- Consistent, permanent clear codes
- Serial numbers, batch codes, bar codes, 2D codes, real-time numbers, logos, graphics, or more complex European and Asian characters
- Choice of three laser powers [10W, 30W, 55W] depending on the application and production line speed requirements
- Flexible laser head orientations for easy integration in multiple directions
- Versatile stand-alone and 19 inch rack-mounting options
- Blue tube technology [9.3 micro m] available for optimum code quality [esp. for PET applications]
- Built-in web server for remote control via any Java-enabled web browser