Product Profile of Azotobacter
Monarch Bio Fertilisers and Research Centre supplies Azotobacter. Monarch Bio Fertilisers and Research Centre also produce and offer organic manures, Vermicompost and Bio Fertilisers viz. Azospirillum, Rizobium, Acetobactor, Phosphobacteria and Biofungicides viz Trichoderma and Pseudomonas.The Azotobacter is used to increase crop yield.
The characteristics of Azotobacter are as follows:
- Bacterium that increases the crop yield from 5-15% in fine soil manure containing organic matter
- It secretes biological substances like thiamine, riboflavin, IAA and Gibberelic acid and secretes antimetabolite that prevents growth disease.
- Azotobacter fertilizers are greatly recommended for Vegetables, Rice, Wheat, Cotton, Sunflower, Mustard, Mulberry, Plantations and Horticulture crops.