Wheel Bolts & Wheel Studs is manufactured by Precision Auto Engineers. The Wheel Bolts & Wheel Studs are available in varying sizes and dimensions. The Wheel Bolts & Wheel Studs are specially designed for usage in all types of heavy and light vehicles.
Precision Auto Engineers is an ISO 9001:2000 registered organization. Precision Auto Engineers offers high tensile nuts, bolts, fasteners, and machined components that includes automotive threaded bars, precision spring washers, hex head bolts & screws, wheel bolts & wheel studs, spring washers, socket head products, u - bolts, auto fasteners and center bolts etc. The wide range of Wheel Bolts includes Nip Bolts, Plough Bolts, Sleeve Anchor Bolts, Socket Shoulder Bolts, Square Head Bolts, Square Neck Bolts, Foundation Bolts, Structural Bolts, Sleeve Metal Expansion Bolts and Round Head Square Neck Bolts.