Demag Cranes & Components [India] Private Limited offers Offset Geared Motors. Demag Cranes & Components [India] Private Limited is an ISO 9001 certified company. The Offset Geared Motors ranges from 130 to 11500 Nm. The Offset Geared Motors are available in 9 sizes with shaft-mounted gearboxes and torque bracket and foot or flange-mounted configuration. They offer the optimum solution for space-saving drive requirements owing to their compact design. Gearbox size A10 is a two-stage unit, all other units are two or three-stage depending on the transmission ratio range. Sizes A10 to A40 of Offset Geared Motors feature a vertically split housing of high quality pressure die-cast aluminium, which guarantees high stability for a low deadweight. Gearbox sizes A50 to A90 feature grey cast iron housing.
The different types of Offset Geared Motors are: