Product Profile of Float And Board Level Indicator
Oasis Instruments Company manufactures Float and Board Level Indicator. Oasis Instruments Company also manufactures control for Indian Railways and Indian Defence. The Float and Board Level Indicator finds an application in liquid storage tanks having moderate turbulence and tank heights up to 15 meters. The Float and Board Level Indicator has 6" wide aluminium white powder coated calibrated gauge board. This Indicator has least count of 5 mm. This Indicator has measuring range of 7.5 metres with 200 float and 15 metres with 350 float.
Product Specification of Float And Board Level Indicator
- Float:SS304 x 200 (Giuded x Direct Indication, Guided x Follower Magnet Indication, Unguided x Direct Indication)
SS304 x 350 (Guided x Direct Indication)
PP x 200 (Giuded x Direct Indication, Guided x Follower Magnet Indication, Unguided x Direct Indication)
- Gauge:6" wide x Al. white powder coating with black graduation & numericals (Guided x Direct Indication, Unguided x Direct Indication)
4" wide x Al. white powder coating with black graduation & numericals (Guided x Follower Magnet Indication)
- Least Count:5 (Guided x Direct Indication, Guided x Follower Magnet Indication, Unguided x Direct Indication)
- Measuring Range:7.5 mtrs. with 200 float (Guided x Direct Indication)
15 mt rs. with 350 float (Guided x Direct Indication)
3 mtrs with 200 float (Guided x Follower Magnet Indication , Unguided x Direct Indication)