The Panel Cooler with Ambient Temperature up to 50 Degree is used in Automatic Equipment, Control Box, PLC, Frequency Converter, Precision meter in CNC m/c., Plastic, Tele communication, Food, Textile, and Tobacco Industries. Fine Air manufactures Panel Cooler with Ambient Temperature up to 50 Degree. Fine Air supplies various types of Compressed Air Accessories like Inter coolers, After Coolers, Air Dryers of Desiccant and Refrigerated types, Particulate Filters, Micro Filters, Electronic Drain Valves and Chilling plants.The cabin cooler could be used in automatic equipments` control box, protective equipments` PLC, frequency converter, precision meters in CNC machines, plastics, telecom, food, textile, metallurgy and tobacco industries. The Panel Cooler is made with simple technology. The high pressure and High temp. Gas of Refrigerant discharge from the compressor entering in to the Condenser and turns to high pressure medium temperature with a gas liquid form. This gas enters the Evaporator and due to the Cabin heat, the liquid gas changes to Gas form and return to the Compressor. As such the Cabin gets cooled. This Panel Cooler will work effectively at maximum Ambient Temp Up to 50 Degree C.