Product Profile of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic- FRP Sheet
Ganesh Engineering offers Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic- FRP Sheet. Ganesh Engineering is an ISO 9001:2000 accredited company. Ganesh Engineering supplies wide
Ranges of textile machineries and accessories etc. Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic- FRP Sheet is suitable for various industrial and domestic applications.
Technical Specifications of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic- FRP Sheet are:
- Water Absorption in 24 hrs. At 25 degree C : Negligible
- Dimensional Changes due to moisture content: Negligible
- Effect of chemicals: Resistant to most chemicals [not to strong chemicals]
- Thermal conductivity W/m degree C: 0.22
- Load Deflection: Satisfiers requirements of BS 4154/64
- Heat distortion temp degree C :75
- Tensile strength Kegs/ sq mm:7.5 to 9.0
- Compression strength Kgf/ sq mm:12
- Transverse stress Kgf sq mm:15.57
- Shearing stress Kgf/ sq mm:4.80
- Impact strength Kg. Cm/cm of % motch:6
Applications of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic- FRP Sheet are:
- Industrial: Ideally suitable for factory sheds and ware houses to get natural daylight there by saving electricity charges. And Opaque and translucent sheets
Are highly suitable for coalescence environment where cement type and galvanized type sheet are often used to get corroded.
- Domestic: For covering swimming pools, gardens, terrace, open to sky areas & parking area of multi storeyed buildings as well as shopping complex.