Dual Flute Single Face Paper Corrugated Board Making Machine offers high rate of production and enhanced efficiency. The Dual Flute Single Face Paper Corrugated Board Making Machine is dual flute high speed in nature. Harjindra Industries Corporation is the manufacturer of Dual Flute Single Face Paper Corrugated Board Making Machine.
Harjindra Industries Corporation also manufactures various types of paper cutting machine, packing machinery, die cutting & creasing machine, corrugated board making machine etc. This Dual Flute Paper Corrugated Board Making Machine comes under the model number- DF 40. The rolls are mounted on roller bearing for smooth running and longer life, minutely finished Flute Folls result in perfect formation of Flutes, Lubrication system based on high temperature fluorinated grease which solves a long standing industry proven with recirculation oil lubrication system, with elimination of lubricating oil system, the wastage of oil and leakage on the floor is prevented.