Pyrotech is an ISO 9001-2000 certified company that manufactures Mosaic Based Alarm Annunciator, 45 L-MO. The product Mosaic Based Alarm Annunciator is available with up to 32 Channels. Mosaic Based Alarm Annunciator comes with 252 [H] x 228[W] mm 16 Channels and 252 [H] x 420[W] mm 32 Channels. Display window-translucent of the Mosaic Based Alarm Annunciator is 48 mm x 48 mm and includes mosaic tiles. The Mosaic Based Alarm Annunciator is provided with housing extruded anodized Aluminium German make frame. The product Mosaic Based Alarm Annunciator is expandable up to any number of windows in a single integrated unit.