Mini Isolator with 4-20 mADC is the manufactured by Pyrotech., an ISO 9001-2000 certified company. The product Mini Isolator with 4-20 mADC has 22[W]x 110[H]x76[D]mm. The Input of the Mini Isolator with 4-20 mADC is mADC, VDC.. Output of the Mini Isolator with 4-20 mADC is 4-20 mADC. Mini Isolator with 4-20 mADC has No. Of outputs is Single. Mini Isolator with 4-20 mADC comes with Optical and galvanic isolation. The salient features of the Mini Isolator with 4-20 mADC: Supply: 24V DC and Mounting: Dinrail.