Industrial Grade Circlip Grooving Machine is designed for cutting circlip grooves in the pinhole of pistons. The Machine has spindle head mounted on a pedestal that has inner and outer spindles running eccentrically one inside another at different speeds in another stationary sleeve. The Machine is offered with one pair of electro magnetic clutch and brake for starting and stopping of the drive for each cycle while the motor is continuously running and normally a brake motor is used in such an application which burns out frequently due to the high rate of on-off cycle. The Machine has the feature that the piston is supported on the stationary sleeve along the complete length of the pin bore and held in hand and the inserting and removal of the piston is also by hand. The Machine has the feature that when foot switch is pressed the inner spindle carrying the cutting tool makes the groove while running eccentrically. The Industrial Grade Circlip Grooving Machine has the feature that after completion of groove cutting, the drive is automatically cut-off for both spindles and the tool is brought to a stop accurately in retracted condition for piston to be taken out.