Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus [NPV] is the product of Pest Control India Pvt Ltd. The product Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus is a species-specific, disease-causing organism for use against first and early instar larvae of caterpillar pests. The Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus is ingested by feeding caterpillars that become pale and start dying within 2-5 days in the characteristic, hanging on only with their abdominal pro-legs. Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus are also available as Heli-cide™ for American bollworm [Helicoverpa armigera] and Spodo-cide™ for Tobacco caterpillar [Spodoptera litura] are available in liquid formulations which can be mixed with water and sprayed on crops. Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus is safe to non-target species such as honeybees, fish, mammals and beneficials because of its high-specificity. Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus comes in 100ml bottles.